
We are based in Auckland, New Zealand, approximately 30 mins from the Central City.. Our training is a structured system that incorporates comprehensive monthly lessons to help direct study, reading, and practice, and includes topics such as ritual, natural magic, celebrating the seasons, meditation, and folklore.. Needless to say the real learning that happens is experiential, practical and spiritual rather than solely intellectual.
The initial lessons help to provide a good grounding and understanding to prepare for future participation in the Grove.. Later lessons are more focused on ritual work and practice. At all stages there are opportunities to meet and discuss the content of the training, as well as being a chance to get to know one another.
As the student progresses in their understanding of the basics of ritual there are opportunities to participate in Seasonal Celebrations at the Solstices and Equinoxes (also known as the Lesser Sabbats).
Initiation into Wicca and Oak Grove is not a given and in normal cases a period of a 'year and a day' must have passed before this can be considered. This is to ensure that both the student and existing members have the opportunity to get to know one another and decide if this is the right path for them. Initiation is never offered but must be asked for by the applicant. Once initiated, coven members are expected to attend the full moon 'Esbat' rites and Greater Sabbats, in addition to the Lesser Sabbats. After initiation, initiates continue to learn and progress under the instruction of the Grove elders and via their own self directed practice.
Prospective students need to be aware that training requires dedication, commitment, and diligence (as well as being a meaningful and enjoyable experience). All students come to training with a different range of experience and will thus be supported to develop their knowledge and skill, however whilst coven leaders are there as a guide, students are expected to take an active role in their own learning and development.
Please be aware that there is no cost for our training (we only ask for a Koha/Donation of around $5 - $10 per training session to help pay for the meeting venue and photocopying costs). Those who offer training or initiation for a fee should be approached with caution.